29C3 2012-12-28
IACC Hackathon in BrasÃlia, Brazil 2012-11-07
Music Hack Day in Reykjavik, Iceland 2012-10-26
OKFest in Helsinki, Finland 2012-09-18
German Laws in Git 2012-08-07
Bundes-Git manages all German federal laws and regulations as Markdown in a Git repository on GitHub.
Panel at Goethe Institute Moscow 2012-07-05
Radial Travel Time Visualization 2012-01-10
28C3 2011-12-28
German Freedom Of Information Portal 2011-08-01 makes requesting information from the government easier and documents the process online.
Travel Time Visualizations for the World 2010-11-01
Mapnificent provides dynamic public transport travel time maps for more than 70 cities world wide.